Our Vision-Mission & Core Values


COLEGIO DEL SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS is an audacious Christ-centered educational institution committed to empowering communities of learners into inner-directed Vincentian leaders who are advocates of persons in poverty situations and of God’s creation.


Dedication to the highest ideals in the continuing pursuit of quality Christian and Vincentian Education.

RESPECT FOR HUMAN DIGNITY: Reverence for every person and concern for promotion of life, human rights and total human development.

RESPECT FOR GOD’S CREATION: Reverence and care for God’s creation and promotion of ecological sustainability.

Love of and preference for the poor as to orient the entire community in favor of the poor/persons in poverty situations; readily working for truth, justice and peace at all times; consistently living simple and transparent lives in relationships and chosen careers; observing social responsibility and accountability in the classroom, in the community and in the workplace; including a passion that engenders caring, compassionate life witnessing in human communities, among fellow citizens and within the church.

SIMPLICITY: Love of and living out of truth and freedom, honesty and transparency in relationships, living a modest and simple lifestyle in solidarity with the less privileged.



COMPASSIONATE SERVICE:Sensitivity to the needs of others and zealous response of caring and sharing for persons who are poor and God’s creation, out of a gentle and humble heart.

CO-RESPONSIBILITY:Spirit of stewardship, dialogue, partnership, participation, teamwork and collaboration in all endeavors for the good of humanity and the whole of creation towards sustainable development.

SOCIAL COMMITMENT:Audacious love for country and Mother Earth; dedication to the transformation of communities and of unjust social structures, through changed personal attitudes and peaceful, non-violent mean

SOLIDARITY:Sense of communion with persons and families regardless of gender, race, color, creed and social economic status; and a firm determination to promote the common good.